Monday 22 October 2012

Jakarta here i come!

I'm flying off to Jakarta in a couple of hours time. It's the first time I've been to the city. In fact, everyone I've spoken to wonders why I'm voluntarily heading there.

Where's your spirit of adventure, people?

This time, it's going to be interesting as I have not done any research about the place. I will be catching up with a couple of very old friends I have not seen for a very long time and eat!

I love Indonesian food since I was introduced to it in Perth as a student. I want my chicken bakso mee.. my gado gado, grilled chicken, satays.. yummm.. I can't wait! This after a 9 day vegetarian detox will be like taking a trip on speed after a temple retreat.

Oh, boy is having fun with his cousins and grandparents in Ipoh while mommy is going to travel. I thought I'd enjoy the peace, but strangely enough I've been missing him. The apartment feels so empty.

Oh well, I'm going to enjoy these 3 days and will see boy again on Saturday!

Cheers peeps!! Let's see what Jakarta has in store!

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