Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Self directed improvement in life

A large part of what we were taught in coaching classes is that CHANGE is never as powerful or lasting as when it is self directed. In this day and age whereby you can literally find evidence or some kooky study on why you should do this, that and everything because it is good for you, where does one start?

Our environment is liberally over-saturated with information. We are now able to be everything we can dream of. You can get formal or informal instruction on how to do or be anything you can conceive of. How do we then use coaching to help someone?

First and the hardest bit is realising that you can NOT help anyone who is not ready. You can lead the cow to the water but that Daisy isn't gonna drink it just because you want her to. The same concept applies to change in anyone's life.

We wait.

Life has a funny way of teaching you the same lessons over and over again until one day, bored and fed up of the groove you've dug in your life, you need change. That will be the right time to act. Not before.

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