Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Parenting an almost adolescent now...

Parenting is a double edged sword.

As one of those people who was never interested in kids, parenting was a weird concept. Other people's kids were OK... but mainly because you could give them back. Then came my own.. and BAM! It's like fairy godmother decided to turn up and play a bad joke on you. It changes you irrevocably! Everything changes!

My little not so angel was great coming out - breaking of water right up to delivery took 2 hours, no pain relief. The pain was intense, but short lived, so everyone said I was very lucky.. etc etc.. yeah right. Little did I know that the birth was only the start of it. I had plans for the confinement period to be like a spa retreat, with massages every day and reading of books for the rest of the time while my angelic baby would sleep between feeds.

Reality? Not so. My little not so angel wanted feeding every 45 mins and I was so sleep deprived that by 6 months I was down to a size 6 (Never before, and never since). He was physically attached to me for a good part of 5 years. However, despite all that catering to a difficult baby, there were beautiful moments interspersed with all that pain...

Things have improved through the years. He's just had his 9th birthday last month. My baby is growing up!  He's almost logical now, with an evil wit to boot. He confidently entertains my friends with corny jokes during dinner parties. He's my partner in crime, my travel mate, my emotional pillar and the closest person in my life.

Things have changed. My sweet darling boy is now growing up and I can see it. He's more independent. No more kissing in public because it's NOT COOL. I need my phone to be kept alive so that I can keep in touch with my friends. Just tonight he told me, yes mom, I think I can sleep alone on my own now. I'm ready for it. Goodnight. Just check on me every now and then, ok?

Sure my darling boy...

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