Monday, 21 January 2013

a couple of old unwanted friends....

Going back to full time employment wasn't by any means an easy choice to make. Now that I am back working full time and boy is happily settled in his new old life, a couple of old friends called insomnia and stress are back.

It's been only a few weeks and I can see the negative signs on my physical self. Not working out daily means I don't get to sweat as much, stretch as much and the adrenaline and dopamine rushes are sorely missed. The perpetual stiffness in the neck and shoulders are back, the feet are more callused from wearing heels and the face is breaking out like a volcano.

Work is somewhat manageable, with the navigation of normal office politics and management of the bosses somewhat easier this time round. I still trust in my ability to lead a company despite various potholes to avoid.

I guess the honeymoon's over, it's time to adapt to these work stressors. First things first... Gym hunting! I've never been one to enjoy working out in the great outdoors so the search for an air conditioned gym has to start! Even though I have my home workout kit, there's nothing quite like having an instructor yell in your face to push you to your limits.

On the brighter side, life in a smaller city is a lot more relaxed, cost of living is about a fraction of what it used to be in KL, and I have resumed my cooking adventures in my lovely kitchen. Boy is at least getting fresh food prepared with love on a regular basis and we are all enjoying the company of our canine friends.

I'm cheating a bit and taking a break this long weekend to just hang out with my girlfriend in another city. It's going to be a good break. I can feel it.

Trying hard to regain equanimity....


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