Tuesday, 24 July 2012

a rant - are there no boundaries anymore?

Please be prewarned - this is a rant. Do not read if you are faint of heart, or sensitive in nature.

I was thinking back at my post on etiquette towards single parents when these two days I came across a couple of people who indeed have no clue. People, did you not learn about boundaries when you were young? What you can talk about and what you can't. Or am I being oversensitive as a single mom? Please tell me.

I have a friend who has makes suggestive comments to me even AFTER I tell him clearly and plainly that even though there are NO men left on this earth, chances are higher that I will become a nun than be with you. Yes we are friends, yes we do talk about all types of nonsense under the sun, but there are things you don't go into if you want to remain friends. Or am I the only one that feels this way and I should be on my knees very grateful that I still warrant any type of male attention, no matter how unwanted?

I had another friend recently which I have not spoken to for a long while, and the conversation goes like this.. yes yes we must catch up, it's been years... by the way, does your ex husband pay child support? Seriously? Do you go around asking your married friends how much their husbands pay them every month for household bills and frivolities? If so, then I guess you must be very close to them. If not, what makes you think it's OK to ask me about these things? It's just like the other dude who casually asked, oh, doesn't your husband want custody of your son? WTF? By the way, your brain called, it wants your mouth back, it's been running away too far without a connection( to your brain)

Enough about that... its really not improving my mood dwelling on it... deeeeep breaths... quick, where's the link to the buddhist talks again?

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