Tuesday 10 July 2012

Thoughts on single parenting


I look at my son and I don't feel the least like I've deprived him of a solid nuclear family. I believe that its best this way, with no acrimony between his parents. I've strived to give him the best I can all these years and I think he is doing just fine. I've never raised him to feel like we are broken, or inadequate in any way. We have lived fabulously so far, and intend to continue doing so.

On another note, isn't it amazing how anal you can get as a first time mom? Heaven's sake I remember being obsessed to the point of cooking every meal that he had, spending ALL my time with him, being really particular about what I read to him, what he wore etc etc. Thank god I've relaxed since then. It's way better being a beta mom instead of an alpha. I think you can get away with being an alpha mom when there's a hubby to play good cop, bad cop with. With me alone? I'm gonna seem bipolar man!

That said.. we never know if 30 years down the road he's going to be sitting in a psychiatrist office and go.. if only i wasn't from a broken family... LOL

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