Tuesday 10 July 2012

The starting of a cordial relationship with the ex

Last weekend I met up with my exhusband and told him I had moved to his city with our son and for the first time, we had a good long talk about how the future beckons. He seems happy to hear about our recent developments and we are hoping that this marks the starting of a better relationship between all of us.

He seemed genuinely concerned and asked if there was anything that we required and needed. I'm glad that its turned out this way. I feel that many times we overemphasize the demons we have in our minds and dread things. In actual fact, when taken with a pinch of salt and a positive attitude, it can be surprisingly good.

I am staying positive about this. The next day we met up for brunch and it was uncomfortable to say the least. The last time I was in his car was immediately after we had signed the divorce papers. I think we were all feeling awkward and uncomfortable about it. The boy reacted and decided to chuck a fit at some little things. I bet you all of us wanted to chuck a fit then too.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It is awkward being with my ex, but I am learning to conduct a more mature, adult relationship with the father of my child who looks like he's set to me a more regular presence in our lives.

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